
Showing posts from June, 2016

BA Contemporary Visual Culture Lecturer Co-edits Campaign

Campaign: Journal of the Institute of Creative Advertising and Design Vol 3 No 12, edited by Mary Ann Bolger and Elaine McDevitt was launched in the Dean Hotel last month [ ]. The latest issue appears just 53 years after Vol 3 No 11 was published in 1963... The journal is dedicated to publishing quality critique and reflection, both visual and verbal, on design and advertising of relevance to the Irish creative community. It is designed by Oran Day at Atelier David Smith [ ] and also features articles by DSCA lecturer Clare Bell and visiting lecturer Niall McCormack. 2016 graduate, Miriam Hunt who attended the launch, worked on Campaign as part of her second year placement with ICAD.   You can read M ary Ann's essay about the his tory of th e magazine here:, wh ile here   she tells the story of a remarkable co incidence in...

Recent Graduate receives PhD Scholarship

Congratulations to recent graduate of BAVACS (now called BA C ontemporary Visual Cu lture) , Siobhan Doyle, who has received a Dean of the College of Arts and Tourism PhD Scholarship for her PhD project proposal! Siobhan has already started her research project at the Dublin School of Creative Arts, in conjunction with the Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media, under the supervision of Dr. Tim Stott and Dr. Niamh Ann Kelly. Her research project, called  'T he Visual Culture of Commemorative Exhibitions in National Cultural Institutions in Ireland '  explores the commemorative forms of visualizing conflict, with a focus on the commemorations of 1916 in Ireland.

BA Contemporary Visual Culture Lecturer awarded Henry Moore Fellowship

Tim Stott awarded Henry Moore Fellowship Dr. Tim Stott , Lecturer on Contemporary Visual Culture programme has been awarded a Visiting Research Fellowship at the Henry Moore Institute in Leeds. 'Play: Imagined and Practiced in British Art Education in the 1960s and 70s' Tim’s research project at the Henry Moore Institute will study how the role assigned to play and games in two Environmental Art courses designed and coordinated by Simon Nicholson, first the Design 12 course at University of California (Davis) from 1966 to 1971, then the TAD292 Art and Environment course at Open University from 1976 to 1985, correlated with the pedagogical practices of the Basic Design movement, as exemplified by the Basic Course at Leeds College of Art established in 1956. This inquiry forms part of a larger book project which studies how a constructive, systematic and participatory mode of play came to align with an expanded field of sculptural production in British art of the sixt...