BA CVC lecturer Mary Ann Bolger to speak at symposium at the University of Brighton, on Friday 7 October 2016.

BA Contemporary Visual Culture lecturer Mary Ann Bolger will speak at the forthcoming symposium at the University of Brighton, ‘Facing the World Differently? Seventy years on from the Britain Can Make It Exhibition’ on Friday 7 October 2016. Catalogue for Irish Design Exhibition 1956, designed by Thurloe Conolly at The Design Research Unit of Ireland for the Arts Council. IMMA Collection The symposium sets out to consider the impact and legacy of the 1946 exhibition, Britain Can Make It, held at London’s Victoria & Albert Museum. The exhibition reflected a desire to reaffirm Britain’s global position in design and manufacturing after World War Two. Mary Ann’s paper will contribute to the debate about the implications of imperial models of design practice, education, exhibition and professional organization, focusing on the situation in the self-consciously modernising Ireland of the 1950s and 1960s. Her paper examines how design was mobilized ...