Final Year BA CVC Students to hold a seminar on the Art of Street Resistance, 28 November 2016


A Public Seminar on Acts of Resistance 
in Ireland using the street as a platform.

Monday, 28 November 2016, 5:30pm – 7:30pm

The Robert Emmet Community Development Project, 3-8 Usher Street, Dublin 8.

A seminar on the visual culture of resistance within Ireland from past and present. We aim to investigating these visuals through means of street art, murals, posters and other elements of visual culture that influence the society we live in. 
Our chair for the evening is Dr. Tina Kinsella who will direct the conversation of the Art of Street Resistance.

The past year has sparked numerous debate and discourse surrounding topics like same sex marriage, abortion and the right to water. As celebrations of 1916 are soon coming to an end, the final year class of Visual and Critical Studies have organized a seminar to present a collection of five conversations. Each will stem from a common theme of street art. Attendees will experience an exploration of how art is used today as a means of protest and the power of visual resistance.

First we will discuss how street art is used in Ireland, how it is seen and how it is an Art of Resistance, the Occupy Movement and the camp that was set up at Central Bank on Dame Street in 2011, the Repeal the 8th the murals and the merchandise and apparel along with it and the protests that have taken place. We will then have a 20-minute break before the final two topics up for discussion. These are the Water Charge protests and the picket signs created during the resistance to water charges and 2015’s Same Sex Marriage Referendum and the visual aspects of the murals on Georges Street in Dublin and others related to it.
There will be plenty of time at the end of the presentations to answer any questions from the audience.

Panel of Speakers: Third Year Students of BA Visual and Critical Studies DIT

If you would like more information about this topic, please contact The Art of Street Resistance PR at 0857245666 or email at 

To reserve your seat please book at: Art of Street Resistance Booking

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